Phecode ID Phecode Description Range Sex Phecode Category ICD code ICD Description ICD Type Phenome
704.8 Other specified diseases of hair and hair follicles 703-704.99 Both dermatologic 704.2 7042 Abnormalities of the hair ICD9 UKB
704.8 Other specified diseases of hair and hair follicles 703-704.99 Both dermatologic 704.8 7048 Other diseases of hair and hair follicles ICD9 UKB
704.8 Other specified diseases of hair and hair follicles 703-704.99 Both dermatologic 704.2 Abnormalities of the hair ICD9CM MGI
704.8 Other specified diseases of hair and hair follicles 703-704.99 Both dermatologic L67.9 Hair color and hair shaft abnormality, unspecified ICD10CM MGI
704.8 Other specified diseases of hair and hair follicles 703-704.99 Both dermatologic L66.3 L66.3 Perifolliculitis capitis abscedens ICD10 UKB
704.8 Other specified diseases of hair and hair follicles 703-704.99 Both dermatologic L73.1 L73.1 Pseudofolliculitis barbae ICD10 UKB
704.8 Other specified diseases of hair and hair follicles 703-704.99 Both dermatologic L73.8 L73.8 Other specified follicular disorders ICD10 UKB
704.8 Other specified diseases of hair and hair follicles 703-704.99 Both dermatologic L67.8 Other hair color and hair shaft abnormalities ICD10CM MGI
704.8 Other specified diseases of hair and hair follicles 703-704.99 Both dermatologic 704.8 Other specified diseases of hair and hair follicles ICD9CM MGI
704.8 Other specified diseases of hair and hair follicles 703-704.99 Both dermatologic L73.8 Other specified follicular disorders ICD10CM MGI
704.8 Other specified diseases of hair and hair follicles 703-704.99 Both dermatologic L66.3 Perifolliculitis capitis abscedens ICD10CM MGI
704.8 Other specified diseases of hair and hair follicles 703-704.99 Both dermatologic L73.1 Pseudofolliculitis barbae ICD10CM MGI
704.8 Other specified diseases of hair and hair follicles 703-704.99 Both dermatologic L67.0 Trichorrhexis nodosa ICD10CM MGI