Phecode ID Phecode Description Range Sex Phecode Category ICD code ICD Description ICD Type Phenome
599.8 Other symptoms involving urinary system 599-599.99 Both genitourinary 788.8 7888 Extravasation of urine ICD9 UKB
599.8 Other symptoms involving urinary system 599-599.99 Both genitourinary 788.9 7889 Other symptoms involving urinary system ICD9 UKB
599.8 Other symptoms involving urinary system 599-599.99 Both genitourinary 788.99 78899 Other symptoms involving urinary system (unspecified) ICD9 UKB
599.8 Other symptoms involving urinary system 599-599.99 Both genitourinary R39.84 Bilateral non-palpable testicles ICD10CM MGI
599.8 Other symptoms involving urinary system 599-599.99 Both genitourinary R39.82 Chronic bladder pain ICD10CM MGI
599.8 Other symptoms involving urinary system 599-599.99 Both genitourinary R39.2 Extrarenal uremia ICD10CM MGI
599.8 Other symptoms involving urinary system 599-599.99 Both genitourinary 788.8 Extravasation of urine ICD9CM MGI
599.8 Other symptoms involving urinary system 599-599.99 Both genitourinary R39.0 Extravasation of urine ICD10CM MGI
599.8 Other symptoms involving urinary system 599-599.99 Both genitourinary 788.91 Functional urinary incontinence ICD9CM MGI
599.8 Other symptoms involving urinary system 599-599.99 Both genitourinary R39.81 Functional urinary incontinence ICD10CM MGI
599.8 Other symptoms involving urinary system 599-599.99 Both genitourinary R39.8 Other symptoms and signs involving the genitourinary system ICD10CM MGI
599.8 Other symptoms involving urinary system 599-599.99 Both genitourinary R39.89 Other symptoms and signs involving the genitourinary system ICD10CM MGI
599.8 Other symptoms involving urinary system 599-599.99 Both genitourinary 788.99 Other symptoms involving urinary system ICD9CM MGI
599.8 Other symptoms involving urinary system 599-599.99 Both genitourinary R30.1 R30.1 Vesical tenesmus ICD10 UKB
599.8 Other symptoms involving urinary system 599-599.99 Both genitourinary R39.0 R39.0 Extravasation of urine ICD10 UKB
599.8 Other symptoms involving urinary system 599-599.99 Both genitourinary R39.2 R39.2 Extrarenal uraemia ICD10 UKB
599.8 Other symptoms involving urinary system 599-599.99 Both genitourinary R39.83 Unilateral non-palpable testicle ICD10CM MGI
599.8 Other symptoms involving urinary system 599-599.99 Both genitourinary R39.9 Unspecified symptoms and signs involving the genitourinary system ICD10CM MGI
599.8 Other symptoms involving urinary system 599-599.99 Both genitourinary R30.1 Vesical tenesmus ICD10CM MGI