Phecode ID | Phecode Description | Range | Sex | Phecode Category | ICD code | ICD Description | ICD Type | Phenome |
528.41 | Cyst of the salivary gland | 527-529.99 | Both | digestive | 527.6 | 5276 Salivary gland mucocele | ICD9 | UKB |
528.41 | Cyst of the salivary gland | 527-529.99 | Both | digestive | K11.6 | K11.6 Mucocele of salivary gland | ICD10 | UKB |
528.41 | Cyst of the salivary gland | 527-529.99 | Both | digestive | 527.6 | Mucocele of salivary gland | ICD9CM | MGI |
528.41 | Cyst of the salivary gland | 527-529.99 | Both | digestive | K11.6 | Mucocele of salivary gland | ICD10CM | MGI |