Phecode ID Phecode Description Range Sex Phecode Category ICD code ICD Description ICD Type Phenome
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive 528 528 Diseases of oral soft tissue excluding gingiva and tongue ICD9 UKB
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive 528.1 5281 Cancrum oris ICD9 UKB
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive 528.7 5287 Other disturbances of oral epithelium, including tongue ICD9 UKB
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive 528.8 5288 Oral submucous fibrosis, including of tongue ICD9 UKB
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive 528.9 5289 Other dis. of oral soft tiss. excluding gingiva and tongue ICD9 UKB
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive 527.3 Abscess of salivary gland ICD9CM MGI
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive K11.3 Abscess of salivary gland ICD10CM MGI
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive 528.1 Cancrum oris ICD9CM MGI
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive K12.2 Cellulitis and abscess of mouth ICD10CM MGI
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive 528.3 Cellulitis and abscess of oral soft tissues ICD9CM MGI
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive K13.1 Cheek and lip biting ICD10CM MGI
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive K09.9 Cyst of oral region, unspecified ICD10CM MGI
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive 528.4 Cysts of oral soft tissues ICD9CM MGI
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive 528.5 Diseases of lips ICD9CM MGI
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive K13.0 Diseases of lips ICD10CM MGI
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive K13.23 Excessive keratinized residual ridge mucosa ICD10CM MGI
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive 528.72 Excessive keratinized residual ridge mucosa ICD9CM MGI
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive K13.4 Granuloma and granuloma-like lesions of oral mucosa ICD10CM MGI
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive K13.3 Hairy leukoplakia ICD10CM MGI
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive K13.6 Irritative hyperplasia of oral mucosa ICD10CM MGI
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive K09.9 K09.9 Cyst of oral region, unspecified ICD10 UKB
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive K11.3 K11.3 Abscess of salivary gland ICD10 UKB
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive K11.5 K11.5 Sialolithiasis ICD10 UKB
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive K11.6 K11.6 Mucocele of salivary gland ICD10 UKB
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive K12.0 K12.0 Recurrent oral aphthae ICD10 UKB
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive K12.1 K12.1 Other forms of stomatitis ICD10 UKB
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive K12.2 K12.2 Cellulitis and abscess of mouth ICD10 UKB
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive K13.0 K13.0 Diseases of lips ICD10 UKB
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive K13.1 K13.1 Cheek and lip biting ICD10 UKB
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive K13.2 K13.2 Leukoplakia and other disturbances of oral epithelium, including tongue ICD10 UKB
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive K13.29 K13.29 Other disturbances of oral epithelium, including tongue ICD10 UKB
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive K13.3 K13.3 Hairy leukoplakia ICD10 UKB
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive K13.4 K13.4 Granuloma and granuloma-like lesions of oral mucosa ICD10 UKB
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive K13.5 K13.5 Oral submucous fibrosis ICD10 UKB
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive K13.6 K13.6 Irritative hyperplasia of oral mucosa ICD10 UKB
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive K13.7 K13.7 Other and unspecified lesions of oral mucosa ICD10 UKB
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive K13.24 Leukokeratosis nicotina palati ICD10CM MGI
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive 528.6 Leukoplakia of oral mucosa, including tongue ICD9CM MGI
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive K13.21 Leukoplakia of oral mucosa, including tongue ICD10CM MGI
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive 528.71 Minimal keratinized residual ridge mucosa ICD9CM MGI
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive K13.22 Minimal keratinized residual ridge mucosa ICD10CM MGI
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive K11.6 Mucocele of salivary gland ICD10CM MGI
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive 527.6 Mucocele of salivary gland ICD9CM MGI
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive A69.0 Necrotizing ulcerative stomatitis ICD10CM MGI
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive 528.2 Oral aphthae ICD9CM MGI
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive K12.30 Oral mucositis (ulcerative), unspecified ICD10CM MGI
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive 528.8 Oral submucosal fibrosis, including of tongue ICD9CM MGI
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive K13.5 Oral submucous fibrosis ICD10CM MGI
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive 528.9 Other and unspecified diseases of the oral soft tissues ICD9CM MGI
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive K13.7 Other and unspecified lesions of oral mucosa ICD10CM MGI
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive K13.29 Other disturbances of oral epithelium, including tongue ICD10CM MGI
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive 528.79 Other disturbances of oral epithelium, including tongue ICD9CM MGI
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive K12.1 Other forms of stomatitis ICD10CM MGI
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive K13.79 Other lesions of oral mucosa ICD10CM MGI
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive K12.39 Other oral mucositis (ulcerative) ICD10CM MGI
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive 528.09 Other stomatitis and mucositis (ulcerative) ICD9CM MGI
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive K12.0 Recurrent oral aphthae ICD10CM MGI
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive K11.5 Sialolithiasis ICD10CM MGI
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive 527.5 Sialolithiasis ICD9CM MGI
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive 528.00 Stomatitis and mucositis, unspecified ICD9CM MGI
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue 527-529.99 Both digestive K13.70 Unspecified lesions of oral mucosa ICD10CM MGI