Phecode ID Phecode Description Range Sex Phecode Category ICD code ICD Description ICD Type Phenome
315.1 Learning disorder 312-315.99 Both mental disorders 315.0 3150 Specific reading retardation ICD9 UKB
315.1 Learning disorder 312-315.99 Both mental disorders 315.1 3151 Specific arithmetical retardation ICD9 UKB
315.1 Learning disorder 312-315.99 Both mental disorders 315.2 3152 Other specific learning difficulties ICD9 UKB
315.1 Learning disorder 312-315.99 Both mental disorders 315.01 Alexia ICD9CM MGI
315.1 Learning disorder 312-315.99 Both mental disorders F81.9 Developmental disorder of scholastic skills, unspecified ICD10CM MGI
315.1 Learning disorder 312-315.99 Both mental disorders 315.00 Developmental reading disorder, unspecified ICD9CM MGI
315.1 Learning disorder 312-315.99 Both mental disorders F81.81 Disorder of written expression ICD10CM MGI
315.1 Learning disorder 312-315.99 Both mental disorders F81.0 F81.0 Specific reading disorder ICD10 UKB
315.1 Learning disorder 312-315.99 Both mental disorders F81.2 F81.2 Specific disorder of arithmetical skills ICD10 UKB
315.1 Learning disorder 312-315.99 Both mental disorders F81.9 F81.9 Developmental disorder of scholastic skills, unspecified ICD10 UKB
315.1 Learning disorder 312-315.99 Both mental disorders 315.1 Mathematics disorder ICD9CM MGI
315.1 Learning disorder 312-315.99 Both mental disorders F81.2 Mathematics disorder ICD10CM MGI
315.1 Learning disorder 312-315.99 Both mental disorders V40.0 Mental and behavioral problems with learning ICD9CM MGI
315.1 Learning disorder 312-315.99 Both mental disorders F81.8 Other developmental disorders of scholastic skills ICD10CM MGI
315.1 Learning disorder 312-315.99 Both mental disorders F81.89 Other developmental disorders of scholastic skills ICD10CM MGI
315.1 Learning disorder 312-315.99 Both mental disorders 315.2 Other specific developmental learning difficulties ICD9CM MGI
315.1 Learning disorder 312-315.99 Both mental disorders F81.0 Specific reading disorder ICD10CM MGI
315.1 Learning disorder 312-315.99 Both mental disorders V40.0 V400 Problems with learning ICD9 UKB