Phecode ID Phecode Description Range Sex Phecode Category ICD code ICD Description ICD Type Phenome
289.9 Abnormality of red blood cells 288-289.99 Both hematopoietic 289.6 2896 Familial polycythaemia ICD9 UKB
289.9 Abnormality of red blood cells 288-289.99 Both hematopoietic 289.7 2897 Methaemoglobinaemia ICD9 UKB
289.9 Abnormality of red blood cells 288-289.99 Both hematopoietic 790.0 7900 Abnormality of red blood cells ICD9 UKB
289.9 Abnormality of red blood cells 288-289.99 Both hematopoietic R71 Abnormality of red blood cells ICD10CM MGI
289.9 Abnormality of red blood cells 288-289.99 Both hematopoietic D74.0 Congenital methemoglobinemia ICD10CM MGI
289.9 Abnormality of red blood cells 288-289.99 Both hematopoietic D74.8 D74.8 Other methaemoglobinaemias ICD10 UKB
289.9 Abnormality of red blood cells 288-289.99 Both hematopoietic D74.9 D74.9 Methaemoglobinaemia, unspecified ICD10 UKB
289.9 Abnormality of red blood cells 288-289.99 Both hematopoietic D75.0 D75.0 Familial erythrocytosis ICD10 UKB
289.9 Abnormality of red blood cells 288-289.99 Both hematopoietic D75.0 Familial erythrocytosis ICD10CM MGI
289.9 Abnormality of red blood cells 288-289.99 Both hematopoietic 289.6 Familial polycythemia ICD9CM MGI
289.9 Abnormality of red blood cells 288-289.99 Both hematopoietic 289.7 Methemoglobinemia ICD9CM MGI
289.9 Abnormality of red blood cells 288-289.99 Both hematopoietic D74 Methemoglobinemia ICD10CM MGI
289.9 Abnormality of red blood cells 288-289.99 Both hematopoietic D74.9 Methemoglobinemia, unspecified ICD10CM MGI
289.9 Abnormality of red blood cells 288-289.99 Both hematopoietic 790.09 Other abnormality of red blood cells ICD9CM MGI
289.9 Abnormality of red blood cells 288-289.99 Both hematopoietic R71.8 Other abnormality of red blood cells ICD10CM MGI
289.9 Abnormality of red blood cells 288-289.99 Both hematopoietic D74.8 Other methemoglobinemias ICD10CM MGI
289.9 Abnormality of red blood cells 288-289.99 Both hematopoietic 790.01 Precipitous drop in hematocrit ICD9CM MGI
289.9 Abnormality of red blood cells 288-289.99 Both hematopoietic R71.0 Precipitous drop in hematocrit ICD10CM MGI
289.9 Abnormality of red blood cells 288-289.99 Both hematopoietic R71 R71 Abnormality of red blood cells ICD10 UKB