Phecode ID Phecode Description Range Sex Phecode Category ICD code ICD Description ICD Type Phenome
287.32 Secondary thrombocytopenia 286-287.99 Both hematopoietic 287.4 2874 Secondary thrombocytopenia ICD9 UKB
287.32 Secondary thrombocytopenia 286-287.99 Both hematopoietic 287.41 28741 Secondary thrombocytopenia (due to massive blood transfusion) ICD9 UKB
287.32 Secondary thrombocytopenia 286-287.99 Both hematopoietic 287.49 28749 Secondary thrombocytopenia (other and unspecified) ICD9 UKB
287.32 Secondary thrombocytopenia 286-287.99 Both hematopoietic D69.5 D69.5 Secondary thrombocytopenia ICD10 UKB
287.32 Secondary thrombocytopenia 286-287.99 Both hematopoietic D69.59 Other secondary thrombocytopenia ICD10CM MGI
287.32 Secondary thrombocytopenia 286-287.99 Both hematopoietic 287.49 Other secondary thrombocytopenia ICD9CM MGI
287.32 Secondary thrombocytopenia 286-287.99 Both hematopoietic D69.51 Posttransfusion purpura ICD10CM MGI
287.32 Secondary thrombocytopenia 286-287.99 Both hematopoietic 287.41 Posttransfusion purpura ICD9CM MGI
287.32 Secondary thrombocytopenia 286-287.99 Both hematopoietic D69.5 Secondary thrombocytopenia ICD10CM MGI