Phecode ID Phecode Description Range Sex Phecode Category ICD code ICD Description ICD Type Phenome
078 Viral warts & HPV 050-079.99 Both infectious diseases 078.1 0781 Viral warts ICD9 UKB
078 Viral warts & HPV 050-079.99 Both infectious diseases A63.0 A63.0 Anogenital (venereal) warts ICD10 UKB
078 Viral warts & HPV 050-079.99 Both infectious diseases A63.0 Anogenital (venereal) warts ICD10CM MGI
078 Viral warts & HPV 050-079.99 Both infectious diseases B07 B07 Viral warts ICD10 UKB
078 Viral warts & HPV 050-079.99 Both infectious diseases 078.11 Condyloma acuminatum ICD9CM MGI
078 Viral warts & HPV 050-079.99 Both infectious diseases 079.4 Human papillomavirus in conditions classified elsewhere and of unspecified site ICD9CM MGI
078 Viral warts & HPV 050-079.99 Both infectious diseases 078.19 Other specified viral warts ICD9CM MGI
078 Viral warts & HPV 050-079.99 Both infectious diseases B07.8 Other viral warts ICD10CM MGI
078 Viral warts & HPV 050-079.99 Both infectious diseases B97.7 Papillomavirus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere ICD10CM MGI
078 Viral warts & HPV 050-079.99 Both infectious diseases 078.12 Plantar wart ICD9CM MGI
078 Viral warts & HPV 050-079.99 Both infectious diseases B07.0 Plantar wart ICD10CM MGI
078 Viral warts & HPV 050-079.99 Both infectious diseases B07.9 Viral wart, unspecified ICD10CM MGI
078 Viral warts & HPV 050-079.99 Both infectious diseases B07 Viral warts ICD10CM MGI
078 Viral warts & HPV 050-079.99 Both infectious diseases 078.10 Viral warts, unspecified ICD9CM MGI